Joyous Babushka
The product is complete, original, and well made. Flaws are practically invisible.
This product was well thought out from presentation to memory efficiency. The creator
went our of their way to provide a smooth service. Perfection! Or close to it.
Happy Babushka
The product is complete, original and well made. Flaws are negligible.
Jilted permissions and heavy scripts will place an otherwise fantastic product on this
rank or below.
Sad Babushka
The product has some serious flaws. Texturing is overblown, style is suffering, the product is incomplete, or permissions are extremely jilted in accordance with the product type. For example: Laggy scripted hair with no modify permissions.
Offended Babushka
What they thinking when they made this product? From resizer scripts with no option to delete to breedable pets that destroy sims slowly with every new baby and a mass of prefab dollarbie sculpts found on marketplace, this is some of the worst things you will ever experience in both lives.